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Amazing! New Organizing Project in Rusumo Is Already Starting to Build a Health Clinic

In June, Pr. John met the people in Rusumo and heard stories about their need for a health clinic. This month they have already begun construction!

For decades, refugees travelled through Rusumo to and from Tanzania. There has been no clinic to care for them. Rusumo residents have had to travel long distances to get to a hospital.  Residents invited Pr. John to teach them how to organize. They held many one-to-one conversations which confirmed their long-held vision to build a clinic. However, there was a conflict with the local government officials about the location.

Pr. John’s training taught them how to negotiate. They successfully convinced the Mayor and the District General Secretary to allow them to build the health center in their village.  With great energy and a small amount of money, they immediately started gathering stones to get ready for construction. One leader provided his truck that carried 7 tons of stones to the construction site. Their target is to have 20 tons of stones by the end of the July.

Rusumo leaders will soon send 6 members (3 women and 3 men) to Mumeya for more training. Mumeya leaders will visit Rusumo to provide support and evaluation as they build their health center. STAY TUNED FOR ANOTHER MIRACLE!

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