It's hard to watch Elon Musk and the new Administration dismantle U.S. foreign aid. We've criticized USAID for not working enough with local organizations. But we also know…
2018 Year in Review: Thank you to our donors and partners
We are grateful to donors who supported our work in 2018. Every gift of any amount is important to us. Thank you!
Meg Ackerson, Claudia Albano, Sharon Allen, Rosa Alonso, Emerita Alvarado, Bill & Colleen Anderson, David & Jeanne Anderson-West, Anonymous, Ansara Fund, Apple Match, Manuel & Lydia Arias, Julie Armstrong, Dean Arneson, Kendall & Sonia Baker, Mervin & Pat Baker, Frank & Maggi Baker-Riley, Keith Barton, Bobbie & Elise Baumann, Dorothy Baumann, Frank & Anne Baumann, Grant & Jennifer Baumann, Greg & Venessa Baumann, Henry Baumann, Joan Baumann, John A Baumann, John J Baumann, Larry & Susie Baumann, Marty & Judy Baumann, Mary Elise Baumann, Michael & Rita Baumann, Tom & Vi Baumann, Robert & Karen Baumann, Alejandra Benavides, Hank & Connie Berberian, Donald & Marilyn Berger, Beatris Bernstine, Rich & Kristi Berryessa, Gene Bianchi, Carol Johnson & Mark Bichsel, Edna Bick, Karen Bloomquist, Kelly Boehms, Pat Bonner, Boston Fund Raiser, Pat & Maria Boyd, Jackie Boynton, Bill & Susan Brandt, Johanna & Steve Brekke-Brownell, Paul & Katrina Brekke-Miesner, John & Noreen Brennan, Crystal Brown, Yolanda Brown, Catherine Buege, Gene Burdick, Michael Callahan, Morgan Zo Callahan, Lourdes Carranza, Jose & Carole Carrasco, Kevin Cassey SJ, Joe Celio, Dino & Mary Certa, Dominic Cirincione, Allan & Angela Clark, Greg & Sandra Cleva, Norm & Barbara Collins, Denis Collins SJ, June Conlon, Ira & Joselyn Coogler, David & Leann Cooke, Jo Corcel, Sonia Csaszar, Bishop John Cummins, Fred & Lisa Dalton, Irma Dalton, Frank & Ludi Damrell, Tyler Haaren & Moss Daniel, Robert & Margaret Davenport, Bekah Davis, Shevlin de la Roza, Jose & Pauline Debasa, Sr. Maureen Delaney, Sr. Rosemary Delaney, Christel Detsch, Cyrilla Dillon, Natalie Donnell, Joan Doyle, Patti Doyle, Anita Duarte, Roger & Barbara Edwards, Bob Fambrini SJ, Adam & Alison Farris, Rabbi Fern Feldman, Jodie Felice, Pete Ferraro, Joseph Fleming, Elizabeth Floor, Jean Forbath, Anna Marie Franco, Chaz & Jean Franklin, Glenn & Merilyn Frizzell, Moriah Hall & William Fuller, Roberta Furger, Isabella Furth, Barbara Gable, Ray Gagne, Pat Gallagher, Veronica Gallagher, Bob & Roberta Ganonn, Melissa Gee, James Gilroy, Jack & Denise Girardi, Jim & Liana Glass, Hank Goldstein, Catherine Goodwin, Match Google, Andrew & Ann Gore, John & Mieko Gosh, John & Jane Gould, Grace Lutheran Thiensville WI, David & Kim Grose-Moore, Anna Marie Gruba, Dennis & Susan Gruba, Diane Gruba, Ray & Helen Gruba, Steve Gruba, Susan Gruba-Mason, Milton & Rosemary Guidotti, Julie Guiffre, Denise Gums, Michelle Longosz & Matt Hammer, Larry & Camille Harris, Joan Hart, Jeanne Haslam, Robert & Judity Haslam, Tom & Pat Hastings, Sr. Marina Hernandez, Martha Hlavin, Jean Maccurdy & Bill Hogan, Alan & Shirley Holloway, Bishop Mark & Debbi Holmerud, Loretta Holstein, Holy Names Sisters, Zach & Saskia Hoover, Joseph Hughey, Hank Imwalle, Connie Ishihara, Dan Jackson, Timmie & Rosanne Jaimes, Brown James, Marilou James, Jesuit Community San Diego, Ken Johnson, Tish Johnston, John & Cathy Kalin, Lorie Kasle, Gina Martinez & Jim Keddy, John & Annely Kelleher, Kevin Kelly, Susan Kenney, Charlie & Maureen King, Andrew Kling, Steve & Estela Klink, Sylvia Knight, Lucy Kolin, Christine Kuglen, Barbara & Olu Lafitte-Oluwole, B.A. Laris, Tom & Karen Latigue, Mary Laver, Christina Oddeifson & Tony Lawless, Mary Lawless, John Leira, Gary Lemmon, Julia Lerma, John Lounibos, Diane Lowe, Tom Luce, Richard & Amy Lutes, Yi Jean & Jasaon Luther, Danette Magilligan, Ailis Malone, Ali Ramsay & Kevin Malone, Patrick Manalio, Randall Manley, Bill & Stacia Masterson, Fran Matarrese, Jerry Mayer, John McConville, Lauren Martens & Helen McDermott, Jack McDevitt, Doug McFarren, Margaret McLean, Barbara Meyer, Jim Mieuli, Portia Migas, Ronnie Millar, Hector Montano, Monumental AME Church, Marshall & Charlene Moran, Michael Moran, Paddy Moran, Claus Mory, Dennis & Thelma Mulvihill, Donald & Susan Murphy, Dan Murtha, John & Denise Musick, Nino Nannarone, Luz Nevarez, David Nguyen, Annette Nicolai, Jesus Nieto-Ruiz, Tonya Nilsson, Tom & Mariann Nolan, Larry Norton, Ida Oberman, Donna Lee O’Connell, Dan & Pat O’Donnell, Kathy O’Kane, Max Oliva, SJ, Linda Fieldman & Michael O’Reilley, Roddrigo Otero, Geraldine Pantoja, Serge & Barbara Paul-Emile, Sandra Paulen, Emma & Edgrdo Paulino, Peace Lutheran Danville, Peace Lutheran Grass Valley, Capt William Peerenboom, Dennis & Kathy Persyk, Don & Diane Peterson, Frances Petrocelli, Sylvia Peverini, Debbie Phares, PICO International, Charles & Helen Pini, Carol Quattrin, Tim & Ann Ramish, Raskob, Arlene Reed, Sr. Mary Laura Rembold, David & Pat Renslow, Mimi Rettig, Pat Reuse SJ, Maria Revelles, Baxter & Lorie Rice, Michael Richter, Mary Ritter, Nadine Robinson, Mary Romo, Emily Rosenberg, Steven & Jennfer Rothstein, Dianne Russell, Patricia Rux, Sr.Teresita Saavedra, Iris Salcedo, Tony & Zeza Salcido, Debora Samuels, Sonny & Carolyn Sanders, Santa Clara University, Deidre Savino, Peter & Sherri Sawaya, Dennis Schmitz, Jolene Schmitz, Brock & Eva Schulte, Janet Schultz, Josie Schweizer, SCU Miller Center , Heidi Seartz, Mike Shawver, Greg & Gloria Shean, Bill Shreve, Tony Simhauser, Eugene Siste, Howard & Eva Smith, Joe & Marilyn Snyder, Kate Snyder, Maggie Snyder, Martin & Carol Snyder, Matt & Jessie Snyder, Nancy Snyder, Ron & Pat Snyder, Tim & Kathi Snyder, John Sobrato, Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Janice Sordello, Jim & Debbie Sordello, Madeline Sordello, Ron & Teresa Sordello, Elsie Souza, Bettie Kikland & Paul Speer, John & Pat Spinetta, Vincent Spohn, St. Mark’s Pleasant Hill, St. Mark’s SF, St. Patrick’s Oakland, Clark Stanton, Michelle Stecker, Cathleen Stephens, Tiffany & Michelle Stevenson, Rich Storch, Marilyn Stranske, Nancy Sullivan, Sr. Mary Sullivan, Heidi Swarts, Misi Tagaloa, Jack & Karin Taggart, Patricia Tobin, Together Colorado, Bill & Carol Trujillo, Jeff & Cindy Trujillo-Houde, Chuck & Marilyn Tuso, George & Nancy Valby, Ray Valerio, Dave & Mary Ann Van Etten, Sarah Van Roo, Randy Vosti, Jerry Wade SJ, Robert Wagner, Phillip & Maryrose Wall, Ken & Jane Wall, Patricia Walsh, Fred & Jo Ann Wentker, Bob Werner, West Coast Companeros, Tom Weston SJ, Gordon Whitman, Richard & Mary Lou Wilde, Bob & Joann Wilde-Girolamo, Carl Dianne Wilfrid, Stephen & Karen Wolf, Maury & Bonnie Wolohan, Wesley Woo, Richard Wood, Scott & Linda Woodward, Darlene Zane, Zion Oshkosh WI,
Your generosity is changing the world. We are grateful for those who are going the extra mile. Here are some examples.
Please consider exploring one of these ways to multiply your investment by inviting others to join you:
Annual Donors: Join the nearly 300 donors listed above who have contributed nearly $300,000 in 2018.
Monthly Donors: Join the more than 30 people who are making a monthly gift.
Matching Gift: Special thanks to John Sobrato for his matching gift that helped us exceed our end-of-year individual donor goal of $200,000. We would welcome others who would like to support us with a large gift.
Donor Circle: The Andersons and their friends formed the Chicago Donor Circle to support the Nyange community in Rwanda. Consider joining with your family and friends to learn about international organizing and raise funds to support work in Africa, Central America and Haiti.
Event Sponsors: The Masterson, Rice, Baumann, and other families and churches hosted receptions or fundraising events. Join them by hosting a discussion at your congregation or in your community.
Institutional partners: Santa Clara University Miller Center and Engineering School are supporting projects in Rwanda. We welcome schools and congregations that are willing to partner with our groups around the world.
Take Action: Join our email list to receive regular updates. We will let you know when you can weigh in with Congress or the White House to support policies that would benefit the communities in which we work internationally.
Contact Fr. John Baumann at [email protected] for more information