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Re-Open the Inter-American and African Development foundations

Add your voice to thousands organizing to save the good work done by the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) and U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF).

This petition calls on Congress to demand that the Administration re-open both foundations, which Elon Musk and DOGE have illegally shut down.

Addressing the root causes of poverty and migration

These two agencies address the root causes of poverty, hunger, and migration by supporting community development in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa. They reflect the best U.S. values and commitments to empower people to fight poverty and inequality. All IAF and USADF funding goes to local organizations rather than international contractors or NGOs.

Both foundations play a critical role in addressing hunger and food insecurity — a key driver of migration — by helping small-scale farmers grow crops more effectively. In 2024, our partner, the People’s Organization for the Development of Haiti (OPODHA) won a $267,500 grant from the IAF to help small farmers adapt their crops to drought and climate change so they could feed their families and neighbors. As a result of the shutdown, OPODHA lost $217,500 in remaining funding to help 1,320 farmers with high-quality seeds, through a rotating seed bank, irrigation, and technical assistance from agronomists.

Shutting the Two Foundations Violated the Constitution and Federal Law

Shutting down the IAF and USADF was illegal. It violated the separation of power at the heart of the U.S. Constitution. Congress – not the President – created the IAF in 1969 and the USADF in 1980. Both have annual Congressional appropriations and Senate-confirmed boards, whose legal authority was trampled on by the Trump Administration.

There is already a lawsuit to block the closure of the USADF and an IAF lawsuit is expected soon. In the meantime, it is important to build public and Congressional support for both institutions.

Please sign the petition, pass it on to five friends, and consider donating to help ODODHA continue its campaign to fight hunger in Haiti.

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