As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
COFOA leaders celebrate fifteen years of work
Earlier this month, 200 leaders from Comunidades de Fe Organizadas en Accion (COFOA) gathered to celebrate fifteen years of successful work. Your donations have enabled COFOA to hire two-dozen residents and young professionals who are working with grassroots teams in 140 communities to conduct local and national improvement campaigns .
They are negotiating with the Housing Minister on property titles in sixty subdivisions, toward securing land rights for 350,000 families worth one billion dollars.
They asked the Salvador Government to invest in 900 community improvement projects, including water, electricity, health clinics, schools and roads and bridges to bring crops to market.
They have launched a grassroots organizing campaign to demand a law to provide a safety net for unemployed workers.
Seeing this success, Bishop Domingo Buezo and Cardinal Óscar Rodriguez have invited COFOA to launch new organizing efforts in Guatemala and Honduras. Conversations are also underway with faith leaders in Mexico.
United, COFOA and Faith in Action leaders are driving lasting change needed to address the root causes of migration. You can support COFOA by making a donation here.