As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Expanding pepper operation in Mont Organise
Haiti: Leaders in Mont Organise are executing their plans for greater economic self-sufficiency. With funds reinvested from their successful micro lending enterprise, they have expanded their pepper cooperative and now have added a goat-breeding project. Last year the peppers produced income of $60. This year they doubled the area they are cultivating. Pictured here, leaders have tilled and planted peppers that will produce 220 pounds for sale.
Earlier in the year, leaders bought 2 goats for $30 each. They proudly announce that they now have six goats. Their plans are to sell the baby goats for $30 each, doubling their profit every six months. For families live on less than $2/day, this is significant income.
The Mont Organise cooperative has 50 members and is led by a management team of nine leaders. Like other OPODNE cooperatives, they utilize their profits by distributing 40% to members, 30% for reinvestment, 10% for OPODNE support, and 10% for reserve funds. For farmers who make less than $2/day, this additional income means a they can pay school fees, buy more nutritious food, or meet everyday challenges. Leaders have the desire and the support to do more.
Cooperatives in other parts of the country continue to thrive as well: fishing in Phaeton, chickens in Grand Bassin, vegetables in Caracol, bananas and peanuts in Capotille, household goods wholesale in Terrier Rouge, and micro lending projects in Mombin Crochu, Mont Organise, and Capotille.
Organisation Oecumenique pour le Developpement du Nord-Est (OPODNE) is Faith in Action’s newest international organizing project. Formally launched in 2014 by leaders from across Northeast Haiti, they organize in 13 towns and villages in the Northeast Department of Haiti. They have operate economic development cooperatives, micro lending programs, and social and education projects.