Community organizing that began in rural Mumeya, Rwanda, has spread across Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Ghana. Grassroots leaders in Rwanda are now working as organizers in 21 communities, teaching and…
Grassroots leaders are driving lasting change across Africa
A year ago, leaders from Nyarubuye celebrated the opening of the third clinic constructed by PICO Rwanda leaders. Now, veteran grassroots leaders are traveling to nearby villages to teach new leaders the organizing tools they are using to build schools, protect their environment by planting trees, and bring water and electricity to their people.
They are bringing about lasing change, transforming their communities, and spreading Faith in Action organizing to other parts of Africa.
In Kenya, Father Innocent Rugaragu led training events for 150 village leaders in partnership with the Masai Transformation Project. In Tanzania, Rev. John Rutsindintwarane is working with Anglican and Lutheran religious leaders to begin training on grassroots organizing.
In Ghana. we’re helping the FAITH in Ghana Alliance support grassroot organizing to address youth unemployment, clean water, illegal mining, health care and education. Muslim, Catholic, Pentecostal and Mainline Protestant leaders are conducting listening campaigns in eight regions across Ghana.
Organizers from Rwanda and the U.S. traveled to South Africa and Nambia this spring to meet with religious and community leaders and support training events with the Beloved Community Coalition, Methodist Church and the Centre for Faith & Community at the University of Pretoria.
You can support PICO Rwanda by making a donation here.