“This training gives us the tools to accompany community; deepen our understanding of our roles to build collective power; and move beyond individualism to focus on sustainable change.”…
Haiti: In the midst of government collapse in Haiti, OPODH and allies press for change
On our Thursday “Way Forward in Haiti” call, Monique Clesca, a key leader in the Montana Accord, a civil society effort to restore democracy in Haiti, will share how Haitian civic and religious leaders are helping build a transitional government that can bring Haiti back from anarchy. Register here to join us.
Many of you have joined us in urging the Biden Administration to listen to the Haitian people and support their efforts for democratic and economic self-determination. Click here to urge your Member of Congress to press President Biden to support Haitian efforts to build a legitimate government without dictating or imposing conditions.
As violence escalates in Haiti’s capital, Port au Prince, and threatens other parts of Haiti, OPODH is doing what it can to prevent violence and conflict in the North and Northeast Departments. All 62 of OPODH’s local leadership teams are conducting training on conflict resolution and designing ways people can work together to improve the health of their communities.
Five of seven local communities successfully piloted a seed bank program, returning more bean, okra, peanut and other seeds than contracted. These seeds will allow more farmers to participate this coming year. USAID met with OPODH and is trying to figure out how to work with peasant farmers as their rhetoric promises.
Another 22 communities are completing an evaluation of their Mutual Aid Lending programs. The Inter America Foundation has committed financial support to expand this effort that provides much needed funds for school fees, commerce and family support.
The people of Haiti and their diaspora and faith allies are on the long road to self-determination. Join us.