"Nobody else will build our future. We are the ones to take primary responsibility to build this clinic that will take care of mothers who will be delivering…
Kigali women on the move
Rwanda: Inspired by entrepreneurship training this summer, more than 100 Kigali women from the cooperative called Amasangiramugisha (those who share blessings) have organized into 8 groups to start their small businesses buying and selling fruits, vegetables and crafts. All the groups that make up PICO Rwanda have are developing plans for their emerging businesses. In Nyamata, leaders are building a community center that can rented. In Nyange, women are completing their roadside business center to market roofing tiles. In Mumeya, leaders are seeking markets for their welding business that makes and windows. In Rusumo, leaders are laying plans to bring water to their health clinic that will soon be community owned. Stay tuned for future developments.