"Nobody else will build our future. We are the ones to take primary responsibility to build this clinic that will take care of mothers who will be delivering…
Mumeya is Launching a crop-selling venture
Ten years ago, Pastor John Rutsindintwarane founded PICO Rwanda as an affiliate of Faith in Action International. Since then, he has been supporting local leaders in some of the poorest, most isolated rural areas of the country to construct schools, houses, clinics and start small business enterprises to meet community needs. Leaders organize hundreds of community members to provide labor; partner with government for land and technical expertise; and leverage the generous donations of people like you to bring these projects to reality. We are asking you to join us now on our latest endeavor – starting a crop-selling business in Mumeya.
Mumeya organized the first PICO Rwanda cooperative in 2010. The surrounding communities are made up of farmers who produce large quantities of sorghum, maize, and beans. Starting with the December harvest, the cooperative plans to purchase these crops at market price from farmers at harvest time, store them in their community center, and resell them for an additional 15% profit during off-season. The cooperative is asking for $5,000 to cover their start-up costs and purchase their first round of crops.
How your gift will help
This venture will benefit 5,000 farm families by providing a stable market for their crops. Additional income is needed so people can pay school fees, health insurance, and other family bills. It will move the lowest income families away from dependence on government assistance. The co-op will also offer low interest rate loans so farmers can improve crop production, fix their homes, and take care of emergencies.