As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
OPODNE leaders launch wholesale food resale cooperative in Terrier Rouge
With an initial investment of $1500, leaders in Terrier Rouge have purchased basic household supplies – water, cooking oil, rice, beans, etc. – and have opened a store for resale in bulk to restaurants and small merchants in Terrier Rouge who don’t have the capital to travel to Cap Haitien or the Dominican Republic and purchase supplies. With training in management by OPODNE Executive Director Florcie Tyrell, leaders are projecting a 10% profit every three months when the inventory is sold. Operated as a cooperative, leaders have determined that half the profits will be shared among the 35 members and the other half reinvested in the store or other community projects. OPODNE’s reputation in Terrier Rouge continues to grow, as volunteer leaders undertake monthly community clean-ups and other improvement projects. The capital for this project was provided through a grant by the Raskob Foundation. Thank you!