As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
OPODNE Leaders Mark Haitian Heritage Month: May 29 is Mother’s Day in Haiti
Mothers’ Day is celebrated in Haiti on the last Sunday of May. On that day, Haitians honor their mothers by wearing a red flower if the mothers are alive and a white or purple one if they are dead. PICO-Haiti is fueled by powerful women leaders. Among those we honor are Florcie Tyrell, the Executive Director of OPODNE who travels all over the Northeast to meet with groups of leaders who are learning how to improve their lives; Marie St-Fleur, Principal of school in Mombin Crochu and Vice President of OPODNE; Elizette Raymond, the President of the Capotille Peanut Cooperative;and Denise Bernadin, President of the Vallieres Farmers’ Cooperative. We honor the powerful leadership of these women and all the women who are mothers to their families, communities and country. Watch the Mother’s Day message from Florcie.