Sir Samuel “Zan” Akologo. You left us too soon, with so much unfinished work. It is painful to turn you into a memory. You were such a force…
“The people of Mombin Crochu feel that OPODNE is already making a difference in their lives. They were discouraged with farming because they could not sell their crops. Now they can,” says OPODEN leader Marie Saint-Fleur. Last year, OPODNE leveraged a $5000 donation into a $100,000 deal with the World Bank to start a sorghum cooperative. Next year, 300 co-op members will harvest and sell their first crop. Recognizing the integrity of the organization, the Ministry of Public Works contracted with OPODNE to repair 10 kilometers of road. Eleven crews not only completed the project on time, they did extra work!
“We did more than was asked for because OPODNE’s philosophy is to take ownership and develop our own community,” – Jean Baptiste, Mombin Crochu, Haiti