“Today I am happy because after 20 years fighting to obtain my deed, thanks to COFOA organizing, I can say that I am the owner of my own…
Roads in Usulutan, El Salvador
“I am Antonio López. I am an Anglican Priest. I live in the Cristo Rey Parish and I also work in the Santiago de Jerusalén Mission in Jiquilisco, Usulután. Three years ago we started working with the COFOA in these communities and COFOA developed many leaders. Before they didn’t speak out, but now they are leaders within their communities claiming their rights and working with one another. It has also helped me develop as a priest in the church and as a leader in the community. Thanks to the organizing we have learned to be leaders for the service of our communities. We have worked in the Cristo Rey Church and in the community where I live and the leaders of the communities have responded to the call we made to work together to improve our communities. COFOA teaches us to practice our Christian values in civil society and in politics to improve the lives of families who live in the communities. Thank you.” – Fr. Antonio Lopez, San Marcos, El Salvador
Leaders from 9 rural communities in Usulutan secured over $300,000 for road construction. Next year they will push to get the bridge completed over Rio Roldan so their children get to the doctor and their crops get to market during the rainy season.