Overcoming poverty in Rwanda
“This project has changed my life because ignorance is a disease... Now, we are happy and work together. We are able to build houses.... people who do not live in the cooperative come to buy tiles from us and they…
“This project has changed my life because ignorance is a disease... Now, we are happy and work together. We are able to build houses.... people who do not live in the cooperative come to buy tiles from us and they…
“.. As a leader I feel so happy because I am in in good relationship with many people and we are united to achieve our goals.…. We used to fear to speak out. Now, thank God, organizing taught us to…
“When Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Marie hit, we did not lose hope. When cholera struck, we helped our neighbors. When government is not there for a big crisis or daily needs, we figure out what we can do for ourselves…
Make a donation now! Help us reach our goal of $125,000 Every dollar will be matched See what your donation is doing for people in El Salvador, Rwanda, and Haiti!
Thanks to supporters like you, PICO International grassroots leaders are making a huge difference for communities in Rwanda, Haiti and El Salvador. In this season of giving, please join our campaign and make a donation now. Every dollar will be matched,…
In these times of economic, environmental and political challenges, we are called to solidarity. Thanks to supporters like you, PICO International grassroots leaders are making a huge difference for communities in Rwanda, Haiti and El Salvador. In this season of…
“I learned about PICO through John R. He came up to me and asked me what kind of problems were the people in Rusumo facing. We talked for a long time. He asked me about what was the most pressing…
“Before we started the pepper cooperative we had to travel very far to other towns to buy peppers. Now people can buy peppers directly from us. The project also improves people’s economic capacity. They have some money in their pockets…
"I am Antonio López. I am an Anglican Priest. I live in the Cristo Rey Parish and I also work in the Santiago de Jerusalén Mission in Jiquilisco, Usulután. Three years ago we started working with the COFOA in these…
For the past ten years, PICO International has provided support through consultation, communication and fundraising to our projects in El Salvador, Rwanda and Haiti where more over 1500 leaders have organized 40 communities and engaged more than 30,000 people in…