As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Thank you generous friends who hosted PICO Rwanda receptions
Rwanda: We are grateful for the many people who welcomed Pr. John and Fr. Innocent into their homes, churches, schools, assemblies or communities. We know you were as blessed by them as they were by you. If you made a donation, thank you! If you want to make a donation now, click here.
We are especially grateful to Rev. Tabitha Ssonko and the Harrisburg Brethren in Christ Church; Colleen and Bill Anderson; Lori and Baxter Rice; Stacia and Bill Masterson; Judy and Marty Baumann; Murray Jesuit Residence; Allana Helland; Dan Jackson; Kevin Malone and Alison Ramsay; St. Mark Lutheran Church (SF); Peace Lutheran Church (Grass Valley) and Jim Line; Pat Kriz, St. Mark Lutheran Church (Pleasant Hill) and Pr. Bekah Davis; and Peace Lutheran Church (Danville) and Pr. Steve Harms and Pr. Lucy Kolin who sponsored receptions in the past month. At these gatherings Pr. John R and Fr. Innocent to shared the work of PICO Rwanda with more than 200 people and asked for their support. Thanks for gathering your friends.