Many people are deeply concerned about the consequences of the U.S. election results for people organizing for social change around the world. We're checking in with our sisters…
Welcome to Nyamata, PICO Rwanda’s newest member
We welcome leaders from Nyamata Lutheran Parish to the PICO Rwanda community as they initiate organizing efforts. Leaders have come together for training, are conducting outreach, and beginning work on community issues. After only a couple of months they have started construction of toilets and a community hall.
Nyamata is a small town in southern Rwanda and the location of the Nyamata Genocide Memorial, a site where Nyamata Parish Catholic Church once stood. The memorial contains the remains of over 45,000 genocide victims, almost all of whom were Tutsi, including over 10,000 who were massacred inside the church itself. PICO Rwanda brings people together who less than 25 years ago were overwhelmed by genocide