As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
A special appeal for COFOA
Dear Friends,
Most refugees do not want to leave their home. They leave when their country becomes unsafe for themselves and their families and are often fleeing threats from gangs, corrupt regimes and domestic violence. We see the result at our border. Faith in Action International supports organizations working to make their home countries safer, free of violence and more prosperous.
Please donate today and your gift will be matched by a generous anonymous donor dollar for dollar up to $15,000 to directly support the efforts of COFOA.
Thanks to the generosity of people like you, we are half way to our goal of $15,000 to support COFOA’s work on the ground to combat the root causes driving people to leave their home in El Salvador. Please act now. We have 15 days left to reach our goal.
Your donation will go directly to help Salvadoran people win roads and bridges, access to clean water, titles to their land and better job opportunities in some of the most troubled cities in El Salvador. Follow us on the web and like us on Face Book to learn more.
With thanks in advance,
Fr. John Baumann, SJ, PICO/Faith in Action Founder