Sir Samuel “Zan” Akologo. You left us too soon, with so much unfinished work. It is painful to turn you into a memory. You were such a force…
Building Democracy for Healthy, Safe Communities
In San Juan Tepezontes, 300 people came together with public officials to celebrate three years of work to support youth and engage the people in conversation and decisions to build a healthy, safe community. COFOA leaders have put in place an ongoing structure they call The Dialogue and Strategy Table to identify needs and bring together all the major players – churches, community groups, the mayor, schools, police, judges, youth groups, sport teams, health agencies, etc. – to commit their resources and coordinate activities aimed at building a healthy, safe community. Casa de Encuentro Juvenil, celebrating its 3rd anniversary, has played a central role in supporting young people, whose future is the real measure of this work.
The celebration began with a march through city streets and concluded with youth games and activities and congratulations from Mayor Alirio Candray, Police Sgt. Armando Cuellar Felix, Fr. William Menjivar (Pastor of San Juan Evangelista), Director of EDUCO Erick Romero, and Prevention Deputy Minister Luis Flores Hidalgo.
COFOA leaders are convinced that dialogue and negotiation is the best way to build the fledgling democracy in the country and to bring the community together to improve their own communities. This strategy is being implemented across the La Paz Department.