As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Central America: Regional Training brings sixty-nine leaders from the Central America and United States together to forge bonds for common work.
After participating in the COFOA action at the presidential palace, grassroots leaders from Faith in Action affiliates in Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and the U.S., joined Salvadoran leaders to strengthen their common organizing methodology, develop a common political analysis, share their issue priorities, and pledge to work toward a common agenda. Each affiliate starts organizing by listening to their community, bringing people to vote on issue priorities, discovering resources to address needs and leading actions to negotiate change. Corruption, employment, health access and migration were major issues analyzed with economic opportunity voted as the priority for research and action.
COFOA affiliates in Central America and Faith in Action affiliates in the United States along with faith allies in the region reaffirmed their commitment to the Root Causes Initiative to influence international policies that force people to migrate