As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Demanding accountability for public improvement funds in Osutma
Leaders from Santa Maria Ostuma continue a series of meetings with the mayor and city council to press for the allocation of funds to repair streets in the communities of San Sebastian, Chaperno and Loma Larga. Through research, leaders learned that the municipality receives more than $66,000 each year for economic development projects, but the required public documents do not account for the allocation or expenditure of funds. After several meetings, the mayor agreed to allocate of at least $5,000 for street repair in San Sebastian with a pledge to begin construction in July. Because leaders are so dissatisfied with the mayor’s lack of transparency and accountability, they are engaging the community in discussions to identify and support a candidate of their choice. New COFOA organizer, Jose Reyes, provides support to Ostuma leaders.