It's hard to watch Elon Musk and the new Administration dismantle U.S. foreign aid. We've criticized USAID for not working enough with local organizations. But we also know…
El Salvador: Dedicating the bridge over the Rio Roldan
“No political party made this happen. This bridge was built because of our organizing.” – Juan Ramon Navarro, COFOA leaders.
In March, Juan Ramon and more than a thousand people gathered for a great celebration to dedicate the bridge over the Roldan River. Anglican Bishop, David Alvarado, blessed the bridge and the entire community joined in a Mass and meal of thanksgiving. The bridge is named “Angel” after the young boy who was swept to his death in a flood 12 years ago.
Joining the celebration were the Mayor of Jiquilisco, Loyda de Pérez; the Vice Minister of Public Works, Emilio Ventura; and former Minister of Public Works, Gerson Martinez. Puente Angel is the result of three years of organizing efforts by COFOA leaders from El Número, El Carmen, San Miguel la Tequera, San Juan de Letrán, 14 de Julio, Bolívar La Montaña, San Marcos Lempa and other rural communities. Hundreds of people were involved in meetings with local and national officials including the Mayor of Jiquilisco, Loyda de Pérez; the Vice Minister of Public Works, Emilio Ventura; and former Minister of Public Works, Gerson Martinez who joined COFOA for the dedication. We congratulate Fr. Antonio Lopez, Juan Ramon Navarro, Juan Antonio Castillo, Andrés Rosa, Miguel Hernandez, Emilio Lemus and others who led this successful effort.
Public officials complimented leaders on their work and discipline that lead to this great achievement. They acknowledged that this achievement was the result of active citizen participation which should be model to other communities. Leaders told officials that they will continue to work for the development of their communities and that they will continue to pursue other needed projects.