As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Faith in Action delegation set to visit organizing effort in Haiti.
Haiti: A delegation is traveling to Haiti in mid-August to witness and support the work of OPODNE leaders. The delegation will meet with leaders from Capotille, Caracol, Terrier Rouge, Grand Bassin, Mombin Crochu and Mont Organise who have launched self-help economic development projects. The delegation will also meet with Bishop Quesnel and clergy from the Fort Liberte diocese. They will have the opportunity to hear how leaders are successfully combating a culture of corruption by organizing transparent, democratic and accountable community led economic and social development projects. The visiting delegation will strategize with clergy and leaders about their plans for the coming year, examine opportunities to grow existing efforts and engage in needed political reform.
OPODNE is Faith in Action’s four-year old, community organizing affiliate in Haiti. Francois Pierre Louis, a well-known academic and organizer in Haiti and the United States, will guide the delegation. For more information, contact Fr. John Baumann at [email protected].