As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Faith in Action International: Organizing during the COVID 19 pandemic
Dear Friends,
We are writing to give you a quick update about the work of our international staff and leaders in this time of public health crisis when COVID 19 is beginning to have a severe impact on the families and communities in El Salvador, Rwanda and Haiti. The respective governments in each of these countries has declared a state of emergency and the incidences of virus cases is relatively small so far. However, these countries have weak public health systems and the threat is huge, especially to the poorest families. We are incredibly grateful for the leadership of Alberto and his team in Central America; John and Innocent in Rwanda and Francois and Florcie in Haiti. Staff in all of these projects have reoriented their work to address this crisis. They are no longer conducting community meetings and training session and face-to-face dialogue. They have organized Whatsapp phone trees so that leaders can stay in touch, urge people to practice recommended prevention activities, learn about how this crisis is affecting families, organizing support for those in need, and pressing government to provide needed services. The response from each government varies significantly.
We will keep you informed and post updates on Face Book,, as things are changing on a daily basis. Your prayers and support for this work is even more critical in this time of crisis. Thank you. As we enter the holy season of Ramadan, Passover and Easter, we pray that you and your family are staying health and safe. In prayer for all those we love,
John Baumann, Faith in Action International