“This training gives us the tools to accompany community; deepen our understanding of our roles to build collective power; and move beyond individualism to focus on sustainable change.”…
Haitians are fighting to determine their political future and feed their families
In August, three hundred leaders from Organization of People for the Development of Northeast Haiti (OPODNE) used their General Assembly to launch a campaign against hunger, “We PLANT TODAY SO WE CAN FEED OURSELVES TOMORROW”. They’re pushing aid agencies sign a covenant to help farmers with seeds and tools to plant during the fall season and agronomists, irrigation and credit to adapt their farming to droughts and climate change.
While OPODNE leaders are determined to get government to work for ordinary people, they also used the General Assembly to elect representatives and celebrate what accountable leadership looks like. Leaders from 25 communities are managing micro lending programs, operating agricultural cooperatives and revitalizing the “kombit” (working together) movement.
More and more communities are joining OPODNE and at the invitation of Cap-Haïtien Archbishop, Launay Saturné, OPODNE launched a new organizing effort in Haiti’s North Department.
OPODNE is the lasting change they demand. You can help them by making a donation here.