Sir Samuel “Zan” Akologo. You left us too soon, with so much unfinished work. It is painful to turn you into a memory. You were such a force…
International: Faith in Action delegation inspired by COFOA’s work
A small Faith in Action delegation traveled to El Salvador last month and witnessed the amazing work of COFOA staff, clergy and leaders. Here are some pictures of what we witnessed. We heard leaders testify at a press conference about what it means to get water only once every nine days and demand action on a National Water Law. We visited with leaders in San Marcos Lempa as they shared their joy over the new $1million bridge over Rio Roldan; with leaders in La Galilea where another 22 families received legal title to their properties; and with leaders in San Juan Opico and Soyapango who gave testimony regarding their local fight for clean water. We joined 80 leaders for a three-day national leadership training session which equipped them to spread their work to new communities. We hope to organize delegations to Haiti and Rwanda later this year.