As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Mombin Crochu will invest a $5000 donation in agricultural cooperative while waiting for World Bank sorghum project
Leaders from the four agricultural communities around Mombin Crochu have decided to take the generous donation from Lorie and Baxter Rice and invest it in fertilizer and seed for the upcoming season. The 300 member cooperative will plant corn, beans and sorghum and bank the first $5000 income as the required match when the World Bank is ready to proceed with the promised $100,000 sorghum project. They will utilize the projected $500 profit when the crop is harvested to expand their micro lending project. The micro lending loan pool of $300 was established with an investment of 100 gourdes ($2) by each member. Funds are loaned at 3% interest to members for purchase of seeds or merchandise for resale and repaid at a 100% rate. These profits are reinvested in the loan fund. The commitment of this community is evident when 120 members, many of whom walk more than two hours to attend meetings, come together monthly for community improvement projects. They have also organized house to house outreach to provide health education about HIV, cholera and other communicable diseases.
Committees have been formed to provide emergency transportation to the local clinic for mothers with birthing complications and others with severe illness. Because there is no ambulance available, these leaders often have to carry people two hours or more for services. Unfortunately community members have died on the way. The cooperative would like to purchase a modified motorcycle and use co-op funds for gas, maintenance and a driver to provide this service. The cost of the vehicle is about $2500.