"Nobody else will build our future. We are the ones to take primary responsibility to build this clinic that will take care of mothers who will be delivering…
Nyange roadside market center
Ten years ago, Pastor John Rutsindintwarane founded PICO Rwanda as an affiliate of Faith in Action International. Since then, he has been supporting local leaders in some of the poorest, most isolated rural areas of the country to construct schools, houses, clinics and start small business enterprises to meet community needs. The community members unite the labor of hundreds of people; they partner with government for land and technical expertise; and they rely on the generosity of people like you to bring these projects to reality. We are asking you to join us now on our latest endeavor. We need $5,000 toward constructing our road side market center.
PICO’s Nyange Cooperative has built a busy and beautiful tile and brick business. They have already constructed a kiln and molding facility. The business is in a prime location, right next to a busy highway used by commercial trucks, public buses, and passenger vehicles to get from Kigali to Kibuye. To capitalize on the cooperative’s location and opportunity to serve travelers, the Nyange Cooperative is building a full-service rest-stop and market center where it will sell roofing tiles and local produce. Development of the facility is underway with the construction of toilets and the cooperative hopes to finish this first phase before the onset of the rainy season. The cooperative is asking for $5,000 to bring water to the site and construct the center.
How your gift will help
This new roadside center will grow the demand for roofing tiles as well as generate income for cooperative members. Increasing demand means more community members will be able to join the co-op and provide the labor needed to supply more tiles and bricks. The new facility will also generate income for the cooperative when rented out as a space to host community events and sell local goods. This center will be visible proof of how organized rural communities can lift themselves out of poverty.