It's hard to watch Elon Musk and the new Administration dismantle U.S. foreign aid. We've criticized USAID for not working enough with local organizations. But we also know…
PICO Work in Haiti Gains World Bank Attention
High in the mountains of Northeast Haiti, Mombin Crochu is nearly inaccessible because the roads are washed away. Still, the dedication, integrity and reputation of PICO organizing have led the World Bank to consider investing $100,000 to develop a sorghum cooperative in Mombin Crochu.
More than 50 leaders have been meeting regularly for more than a year. Some walk four hours to attend. The entire community organizes labor days to repair roads and plant trees. Through a collective, women take turns with child care and selling produce at market.
World Bank funds can help this community reach a new level of self-sufficiency. Money will be used to assemble land, buy seed and the equipment needed to plant, harvest, and process the sorghum crop.
A brewery is committed to buy the crop at prices guaranteeing a reasonable profit. Leaders have already agreed to a formula to distribute profits to coop members, to provide technical support and improve community services.
Final execution of the agreement will happen after national elections are completed. This kind of investment in organized communities is essential to rebuild the devastated agricultural economy in rural Haiti.
People can’t wait to get started.