“Today I am happy because after 20 years fighting to obtain my deed, thanks to COFOA organizing, I can say that I am the owner of my own…
We are grassroots and faith organizations, with the support of faith leaders from Central America, Mexico and the United States, who believe in the fundamental dignity of each person, are conscious of the injustices committed against indigenous peoples and the poor across our region, and work to address the deep causes of poverty, violence, and corruption that force people to flee their homes in the region.
We offer this action framework with the goal of fundamentally changing the economic, migration, human rights and development policies in the region, at the same time that we help all of our families survive this crisis and reconstruct a better, more just and equitable future.
- Long-term investment in leadership development by the community
a. Focus U.S. and international agency aid on long-term community development projects designed and directed by local residents that promote education, health and employment and create conditions so that people can see a brighter future in the places where they live.
b. The key priorities include providing all families with daily access to potable water, resolving property deeds, building highways, bridges and other community infrastructures, and creating employment for youth, centered on the most vulnerable populations.
c. Strengthen the primary healthcare system to help the communities respond to COVID and other public health challenges.
d. Appoint leaders and personnel from USAID and other development agencies that have direct experience with community-led development in Central America and that are committed to community empowerment.
- WORK. Focus on good jobs and career paths
a. The U.S. should reject an economic approach that historically has been based on the extraction of resources and low-wage employment.
b. Regional and U.S. economic and trade policies should prioritize the improvement of education, raising wages, increasing benefits and protecting workers’ rights, including the right to organize.
c. A key focus to address the fundamental causes of migration should be the creation of employment positions and apprenticeships that permit young people to advance in their careers.
- DEMOCRACY. Stand with civic, indigenous and faith organizations that are fighting for democracy.
a. The U.S. and all governments in the region should unequivocally place themselves on the side of civic, indigenous, women’s, faith, student, worker, and other types of organizations and political leaders that fight for democracy and against impunity, corruption, and human rights abuses.
b. The U.S. President and Congress should recommit loudly and clearly unequivocal support for anti-corruption institutions and efforts, and free and fair elections in Central America and Mexico.
c. Anti-corruption efforts must address the fundamental inequalities regarding access to economic resources and political power, recognizing that corruption is rooted in the highest levels of society, and that U.S. political and commercial interests have been complicit in abuse that impoverishes ordinary people.
a. It is necessary to eradicate corruption from the military and police and to cut their ties with criminal enterprises, so that ordinary people can trust that they are protected by agencies responsible for the public safety.
b. Programs to reduce violence should focus on civilian initiatives developed by local communities, and should be directed to the underlying causes of the violence, including the elimination of obstacles for the reentry of people returning to their communities after prison.
c. We must provide greater support for local programs to eradicate violence against children and women, who are the ones most subjected to abuse. This requires urgent attention from national and international agencies responsible for preventing gender-based violence and abuse.
- ENVIRONMENT. Protect the environment from extraction and help the most vulnerable adapt to climate change.
a. The U.S. and the regional governments should stand with the community, indigenous, and faith organizations that organize against mining, big megaprojects, and other extractive activities practiced by multinational companies, which threaten the water, ecosystems, and health of families and communities.
b. A regional effort is needed to help the small farmers and local communities control their land, meet their nutritional needs, and adapt to climate change, especially indigenous communities, and to provide food security for those who run the greatest risk of going hungry.
- DEMILITARIZATION. Stop militarizing the borders and criminalizing the migrants.
a. Reconstruct a regional asylum system that adjusts to international law.
b. We ask for the immediate cancellation of the “Stay in Mexico” Program or ‘Migrant Protection Protocols’ and the so-called Safe Third Country Agreements, so that the asylum seekers are able to stay in the U.S.
c. Cancellation of the so-called Asylum Cooperative Agreements
d. Review the agreements between the countries so that the protection of the migrants and sustainable development are the main priorities.
- LEGAL PATHWAYS. Expand legal means for a safe migration, to reunite with family and for work.
a. Change the narrative regarding migration and those who migrate from Central America.
b. U.S. policies should create legal pathways for people from Central America to migrate safely.
c. Include more opportunities for people to migrate to the U.S. to reunite with family members and unaccompanied children.
d. Expand the number of work visas to create opportunities for migrants to work in the U.S.
e. Increase the number of refugees accepted by the U.S. from Central America.
f. Legalize migrants in irregular status who have been essential workers during the pandemic.
Faith Leaders
Faith Leaders (Líderes Religiosos)
Bishop Mark Seitz, Diocese of El Paso
Cardinal Álvaro Ramazzini Imeri, Diocese of Huehuetenango
Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Archdiocese of Newark
Archbishop John Wester, Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Archbishop Charles Thompson, Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Bishop Elías Bolaños Avelar, Diocese of Zacatecoluca
Bishop Rodolfo Valenzuela Núñez, Diocese of Verapaz
Bishop José Raúl Vera López, Diocese of Saltillo
Bishop Robert McElroy, Diocese of San Diego
Bishop Edward Weisenburger, Diocese of Tucson
Bishop John Stowe, Diocese of Lexington
Bishop Fernand Cheri, Archdiocese of New Orleans
Obispo Silvestre Romero, Iglesia Episcopal de Guatemala
The Right Rev. Jennifer Reddall, Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
Rev. David Ulloa Chavez, Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
The Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Bishop Diane M. Jardine Bruce, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
The Rt. Rev. David C. Rice, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California
The Rt. Rev Greg Rickel, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Rev. Alvin Herring, Executive Director, Faith in Action
Rev. Adam Russell Taylor, President, Sojourners
Steering Committee (Comité Directivo)
Faith in Action
Hope Border Institute
Comunidades de Fe Organizadas en Acción (COFOA)
Congregation Action Network
JPIC Familia Franciscana de Guatemala
Justicia, Paz y Integridad de Creación (JPIC)/Honduras
La 72, Hogar – Refugio para Personas Migrantes
New Mexico CAFé
Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH)
Dr. Irma A. Velasquez Nimatuj, Profesora Invitada, Universidad de Stanford
Organizations (Organizaciones)
Absolam Jones Center for Racial Healing
Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States
Adorers of the Blood of Christ, US Region
Albuquerque Mennonite Church
Albergue Decanal Guadalupano para migrantes
American Friends Service Committee
Amerindia Mexico
Asociación La Alianza
Assumption Sisters Chaparral
Asylee Coordination Team (ACT)
BELOVED San Diego (Beloved Christian Church, Disciples of Christ)
Benedictine sisters of erie
Border Perspective
Bread for the World
Camino Alliance
Caritas de Honduras
Carmelite Sisters, VEDRUNA
Casa Monarca. Ayuda Humanitaria al Migrante
Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Catholic Charities of Oregon
Catholic Coalition for Migrant Justice
Chicago Chapter of Benedictines for Peace
Christ Crossman UMC, Falls Church, VA
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Christians for Social Action/ESA
Coalición Pro Defensa del Migrante, A.C.
Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach
Comisión de Justicia, paz e integridad de la creación, OFM /Honduras
Comunidades Eclesiales de Base
Community Council, Servants of Mary, US/Jamaica Community
comunidad indigena Maya Ixil
Conferencia Episcopal de Guatemala
Confraternidad de periodistas y escritores
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
Congregation of our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces
Coordinador de la Confraternidad de Abogados Vicentinos
Corazón Arizona (Federation of Faith in Action)
Crossing Borders – Dubuque
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul USA
Dawn’s Place
Dimensión Episcopal de Pastoral de Movilidad Humana de México
Disciples of Christ
Dominican Sisters – Grand Rapids
Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, NY
Dominican Sisters of Hope
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
Dominican Sisters of Peace
Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa
Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, NY
Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois
Dreams Project
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real
Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Erie Benedictines for Peace
Faith in Action International
Faith in Indiana
Faith in New Jersey
Faith in New York
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Albuquerque, NM
Franciscan Action Network
Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn
Franciscan Federation of Srs and Bros of TOR -USA
Franciscan Peace Center
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Franciscan Sisters of Rochester, Minnesota
Franciscans for Justice
Freedom Road, LLC
Granite State Organizing Project
Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart
Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Carlsbad, CA
Holy Cross Parish, Philadelphia, PA
Homeboy Industries
Hope Border Institute
Hospitalidad y Solidaridad
Iglesia Episcopal Anglicana de El Salvador
Iglesia mission Dolores. Y de voluntario en LA Voice
Ignatian Solidarity Network / La Red de Solidaridad Ignaciana
IHM Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee, Sisters of IHM
IHM Sisters
Immigrant Connection / Zach Szmara, National Director
Immigrant Connection at May Ave. Wesleyan Church
Immigration Task Force of the Diocese of San Joaquin
InnerChange, Guatemala
Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible IEPADES
Instituto de Investigación y Proyección sobre Dinámicas Globales y Territoriales de la Universidad Rafael Landívar
Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center
Jesuit Conference Office of Justice and Ecology
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
jpic franciscanos conventuales/parroquia San Maximiliano Kolbe
JPIC Confregua
JPIC El Salvador
JPIC Familia Franciscana de Honduras
Justice, Peace, & Integrity of Creation Committee, Dominican Sisters, Springfield, IL
Kino Border Initiative
LA Voice
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Leadership Council of the IHM Sisters of Monroe, Michigan
Leadership of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary of the Woods, IN
Loretto Latin America/Caribbean Committee
LUCHA Ministries, Inc.
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Matthew 25/Mateo 25
Medical Missionaries of Mary
Medical Mission Sisters and Women’s Circle, Inc.
Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Natl Immigration Program
Misioneros Claretianos Centroamérica
Missio Alliance
Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence
Misión vida nueva
Mothers & Others Justice and Mercy for Immigrants
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, Society of the Sacred Heart, United States and Canada
Oficina de Tutela Legal del Arzobispado de San Salvador
Partners in Community International
Paso de Esperanza A.C.
Pastoral de Movilidad Humana
Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana (PMH)
Pax Christi USA
Peace and Justice Team of the Congregation of Saint Joseph
PICO California
Presentation Lantern Center
Presentation Sisters San Francisco, CA
Proclade Guatemala
Promise Arizona
Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order
- Apostólicas del Corazón de Jesús
Rede Um Grito pela Vida
Red Franciscana Para Migrantes -Honduras
Red Franciscana para Migrantes, Franciscan Network on Migration
Red Jesuita con Migrantes de Guatemala
Red Rahamim
Red de Religiosas contra la trata de personas
Red Jesuita con Migrantes Centro América-Norteamérica (RJM-CANA)
Red Jesuita con Migrantes Guatemala
Red Jesuita con Migrantes Latino América y el Caribe
Religiosas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Religious of Jesus and Mary
Religious of the Assumption
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Western American Area
Religious Sisters of Charity
Rio Grande Borderland Ministries – Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande
Rochester, Minnesota Franciscan Community
Salvatorian Advocacy for Victims of Exploitation (S.A.V.E.) Inc
San Francisco Friends Meeting
San Antonio Region Justice For Our Neighbors
Scalabrinianas Misión con Migrantes y Refugiados (SMR)
Schlegel Center for Service and Justice at Creighton University
School Sisters of Notre Dame
School Sisters of Notre Dame Atlantic Midwest Province JPIC Officet Provinc
School Sisters of Notre Dame, Central Pacific Province
School Sisters of St Francis US Province
Sector Interreligioso Centinelas por la Dignificación del Estado (Guatemala)
Servant Partners / Iglesia la luz en el barrio
Sisters, Home Visitors of Mary
Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
Sisters of Charity, BVM
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Congregational Leadership
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Western Province Leadership
Sisters of Charity of New York
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston, TX
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word/San Antonio
Sisters of IHM/Scranton, PA Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Committee
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Immigration Advocacy Group
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team
Sisters of Mercy Solidarity Committee
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur EW Unit
Sisters of St. Agnes
Sisters of St Dominic of Blauvelt, NY
Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, Iowa
Sisters of St. Francis of Oldenburg, IN
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee
Sisters of St. Francis of Rochester, MN
Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities
Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God
Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania OH
Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood NY Office of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Albany Province Justice Committee
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, LA Province
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern PA
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny USA/Canada
Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange
Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield
Sisters of St. Joseph TOSF
Sisters of St. Joseph-TOSF Social Justice Committee
Sisters of St. Joseph Welcome Center
Sisters of the Holy Cross
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary
Sisters of the Holy Names, US-Ontario Province
Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate
Sisters of the Most Precious Blood
Sisters of the Presentation
Solidarity – Camino Immigration
St. Ann Catholic Church, Deming, NM
St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Poway, CA
St. Francis Xavier Church, Phoenix, AZ
St. Helena Outreach Ministries, Philadelphia, PA
St. Martin de Porres School, Philadelphia PA
St. Mary’s (Mariposa) Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, CA
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church/Iglesia Episcopal San Mateo, Hyattsville, MD
St. Paul’s Cathedral (Episcopal), San Diego, CA
St. Paul’s Monastery, St. Paul, MN
St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal, Immigration Ministry, Albuquerque
Stop Slavery, A Northern California Coalition of Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking
The Global Immersion Project
The Third Order Society of St. Francis, Province of the Americas
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
United Methodist General Board of Church and Society
University Christian Church of San Diego
Union of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (USA Unit)
U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking
Vista La Mesa Christian Church, La Mesa, CA
Witness at the Border
Clergy and Individuals (Clérigos y Individuos)
Ismael Moreno, SJ. Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación ERIC-SJ.
Fr. Sean Carroll, SJ, Kino Border Initiative
Sr. Ann Scholz, SSND
Deacon Nate Bacon, Central America Regional Director, InnerChange
Padre Balmore de Jesús Pedraza, Tutela de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de San Salvador
Conrado Zepeda, SJ
Sister Janet Lander
Sister Ruth Battaglia CSA
Mary Beth Hamm, SSJ
Sister Annette Grisley
Sister Rosalie Carvenl, CSJ
Sister Colleen Dauerbach, SSJ
Sister Betty McVeigh, SSJ
Sr. Kathy Claflin, SSJ
Hna. Mercedes López Ramos, Religiosa de la Sagrada Familia de Helmet
Sr. Carmella Campione
Sister Sally Duffy, SC, board member of Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Patricia Sheehan, Sister of IHM Scranton Associate, Justice & Peace Committee
Suzanne M. Susany OSF, Esq
Rev. Laura Byrch
Sr. Maryann Mueller, CSSF
Sister Jocelyn Quijano, PBVM
Veronique Wiedower CSC
Sister Patricia Pora, RSM
Sister Marlys Jax
Greg Bonfiglio, S.J.
Pam Stout OFS
Nancy McCarthy
Dr. Robert Chao Romero
The Rev. Cn. Anna Carmichael, Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin
Viviana Coria-Tsapos
Brian McLauchlin
Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring
The Rev. Margaret Decker, Trinity Episcopal, Escondido, CA
The Rev Canon Jeff Martinhauk
Rev. Canon Abbott Bailey
Erica Shepler Romero, J4R/Matthew 25 So Cal
Malinda Shamburger
Rev. Janna Louie
Sr. Mary Ann Azanza, R.A.
Rev. Ramon Pons
Sister Carol L. Ries, SNJM
Lyn Kirkconnell, Justice Co-Promoter for Dominican Sisters of San Rafael and Mission San Jose
Sister Judy Lu McDonnell, O.P., Justice Co-Promoter for Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose and of San Rafael
Rev. Robert Bossie, SCJ
Sr. Maria Isabel Galbe
Paul Nix – InnerCHANGE US Director
Rev. VeAnn Clark / Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Cheri Metier, Interfaith Worker Justice of San Diego County
Rev. Jason A. Coker
Rev. Dr. Marianna Kirwan
Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon
Rev. Xose G. Escamilla, Disciples of Christ
Rev. Dr. Nancy Fowler, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
The Rev. Carlos Garcia, Latino Missioner, Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
The Rev. D. Rebecca Dinovo, St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
Colin Mathewson, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, San Diego
Pastor RJ Lucchesi
Rev. Lyle Predmore, retired
Rev. Dr. Markus Watson, Westmorland Community Presbyterian Church
Nathan Byrd, Christ United Presbyterian Church
Rev. Demetries Edwards, Twenty-third Avenue Church of God
Max Finberg, Minister, Third Street Church of God Washington, DC
Dr. Neomi De Anda
Lawrence Couch, National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Sister Stephanie Spandl, SSND
Tiffany Hunsinger