Sir Samuel “Zan” Akologo. You left us too soon, with so much unfinished work. It is painful to turn you into a memory. You were such a force…
Rusumo health clinic to be dedicated March 25th
In just over a year, the newest PICO-Rwanda member in Rusumo completed construction of their health clinic. On March 25th the center will be dedicated and the community will hold a huge celebration honoring the labor and financial contributions of more than 300 Rusumo leaders; the partnership of government officials who provided equipment, electricity, and staffing; and especially the Taggart family who gave a generous donation that paid for all the building materials for construction. A delegation of 20 PICO representatives will be on hand. The path to completion was not easy. Catholic, Muslim, and Adventist leaders united to overcome government resistance to constructing the health center. After months of frustration with local government officials who were not supporting community efforts, leaders voted them out and elected new public officials. As a result, these newly elected leaders and the district mayor joined 200 community members in the final push to complete construction of the clinic. It is now open, serving 17,000 families with health education, family planning, and treatment for AIDs/HIV, malaria, and other diseases. Their organizing is the latest chapter of PICO-Rwanda successfully empowering grassroots leaders – building democracy, organizing community, and completing a project of their own choosing. Congratulations Rusumo leaders and PICO-Rwanda. Thank you Jack and Karen Taggart. We look forward to the celebration.