As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Your support can help grassroots leaders like Florcie create lasting change!
When Florcie Tyrell was growing up in the 1980s, Haiti fed itself. Now most food is imported. With inflation skyrocketing, half the country faces hunger, waking up each day without knowing how they will feed themselves.
Today, Florcie leads OPODNE (Organization of People for the Development of Northeast Haiti), Faith in Action’s organization in Haiti, that is driving an agricultural campaign to strengthen small scale farming so people can feed themselves.
Your donation can sustain her work and help us respond to people in new communities who want to use organizing tools to make lasting change.
OPODNE’s anti-hunger campaign is just one example of how Faith in Action International works for lasting change and the impact we can have together.
In Central America, COFOA organizers are working in 140 communities on land reform, water access, employment rights and local investment in El Salvador and launched new organizing in Honduras and Guatemala.
In Rwanda, grassroots leaders are not only empowering people from surrounding communities to build health clinics and schools, they are also inspiring organizing in Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania.
Please join us and make a donation today. Almost all of the funding goes directly to hire local residents, like Florcie, as community organizers and to the cost of trainings and transportation.
Together, we’re building a movement of people of faith and moral courage like Florcie who are working to create lasting change from the bottom up across the world.