Communities across Ghana face the challenge of overflowing garbage bins and piles of uncollected trash. When grassroots leaders from FAITH in Ghana Alliance ask their neighbors what change…
Your support is planting seeds of growth in Africa
Two hundred sixty nine people made donations of $195,118 that were matched by our friends, John and Sue Sobrato. This investment helps plant seeds of Growth in Africa
Community organizing that began in rural Mumeya, Rwanda, has spread across Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Ghana. Grassroots leaders in Rwanda are now working as organizers, teaching and coaching teams in new villages, so people can bring health clinics, schools, and reforestation to their communities. The FAITH in Ghana Alliance is drawing on the Rwanda experience to build two dozen local faith alliances across ten regions to decentralize development and increase investment in education and health. In Western Tanzania, clergy and lay leaders are building community power in a region long-neglected by the central government. In Kenya, we’re providing training and support to Masaai community leaders organizing to have a say over government decisions that affect their families and land.