As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Youth Organizing in El Salvador
Santiago Nonualco youth leaders continue to learn how to organize and are holding one-to-one conversations and building relationships in their church, schools, and community. Last year through the relationships they created, they gained the support of the National Center for Culture and Art, and began a dance program along with weekly leadership trainings. Now they are looking for support for a music program, including getting teachers and instruments.
Youth leaders identified priorities through the one-to-one conversations they are holding, including the need for youth activities, accessible locations for programs, after school activities, employment, and reduction in violence and insecurity.
Youth want to be part of the solution and took to heart the PICO principle “power is not given away, it is taken”. They are working on their priorities by holding research meetings with the Mayor’s office, principals of schools, the director of the local house of culture, pastors of other churches, and governmental agencies including CENAR, the National Center of Culture and Art. They are looking for activities for youth during school vacations, and intend to get a new soccer field and start leagues for young men and women. They are also supporting all of the organizing activities of the church, including health fairs and COFOA Local Organizing Committee meetings.