As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
El Salvador: COFOA’s “LOVE Campaign” is organizing support for neediest families
LOVE (Lideres Organizados por sus Valores y Esperanza – Leaders Organized for Values and Hope) is COFOA’s campaign to meet the needs of the most vulnerable. For the past month, staff and leaders have been reaching out to families in more than twenty municipalities, large and small, to find out how people are doing as they are required to stay home and identify those most in-need. Many families, especially those dependent on income from their small shops, are in crisis. With the “Love Campaign” leaders are collecting and distributing food and supplies, while sharing information about available legal, counseling, and other supportive services. COFOA has helped more than 500 families so far. Knowing that voluntary resources will not be sufficient, COFOA leaders are reaching out to public health workers and mayors to find out their plans to meet the health and survival needs of their communities. With government officials using the crisis to be even more elusive, COFOA is pressing to make sure that special funding from the central government to local municipalities reaches those most in need.