As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Faith in Action/PICO Leadership Summit affirms global vision
Celebrating more than 40 years of history, nearly 300 PICO Network leaders met the first week of May to chart our future together. This history and future is embedded in PICO Network’s new name, Faith in Action. According to our newly appointed Executive Director, Rev. Alvin Herring, PICO International is central to that future. At lunch with leaders from El Salvador, Rwanda and Haiti, Alvin shared these comments about our international work. “I believe in this work. It is what we should be doing. It is not peripheral. It is essential… I think a challenge for us is that many of our people in Faith in Action have never been to these places. We need to figure out how to make that happen… We need to experience one another…We need to leave more space to develop relationships… We have to make a mind shift to see ourselves as an international organization.”
PICO International staff and leaders are grateful to Alvin for his commitment to our international work, to visit our projects, to insure our leaders are in the room, to help us tell our story, to promote partnerships with U.S. federations, and to open doors to funders. We are committed to join this common enterprise to build a faithful and just world. PICO International organizations will continue to operate with the names their leaders have chosen: Communidades de Fe Organizadas para la Accion (COFOA) in Central America; PICO Rwanda in Rwanda; and Organisation oecumenique pour le Developpement du Nord-Est (OPODNE) in Haiti. We are grateful for your continued support.