As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
Haiti: Leaders discuss values needed for Haiti revival
Haiti is in a state of total dysfunction and paralysis. Inflation is rampant and teachers and civil servants are not being paid. People are taking to the streets to protest government corruption and the theft of millions of dollars that were to be invested in economic development projects. The ouster of President Moise and the formation of a new government seem to be only a matter of time. Ordinary people are suffering mightily on so many levels. Despite these setbacks OPODNE leaders remain strong. OPODNE cooperatives are providing some economic support while OPODNE communities are modeling values the whole country desperately needs.
Many people across the country are barely able to buy food. Community efforts are disbanding and government cannot provide basic services. OPODNE teams of leaders in all 11 communities are staying strong; meeting monthly; and reminding one another of the deep values of the Haitian people. Over the last two years, even before the political crisis, OPODNE leaders were providing training and facilitating discussion on the theme “Corruption is the Enemy of Development”. In monthly training sessions OPODNE staff lead discussions on the need to sustain community, transparency, and accountability; and encourage people to apply these values at the personal, family and community levels. As the Caracol President says, “through this training we realize that we still have many deep values. The country is in such bad shape because we have lost some of these values. We will now apply our values to uplift the country.” – Caracol President