“This training gives us the tools to accompany community; deepen our understanding of our roles to build collective power; and move beyond individualism to focus on sustainable change.”…
Haiti: USAID subcontractor comes to the table to discuss agriculture while OPODNE continues to fill the gap of absent government.
Earlier this month, 49 community elected presidents from the People’s Organization for the Development of Northeast Haiti (OPODNE) met with representatives from l’Avancement du Secteur Agricole d’Haïti (RASAH) to discuss USAID funded programs in the Northeast. While the discussion did not focus on farmer identified need for seeds, tools and irrigation or their request to fund a pilot seed bank, RASAH was impressed with OPODNE and is exploring a partnership to support OPODNE’s growing microlending cooperatives that are being established in fifty-four communities. In addition, seven farmer cooperatives are piloting a small, privately funded seed bank to support small farmers and combat hunger. This past month, farmers have planted a variety of seeds, are irrigating with available water, and have signed a compact with OPODNE and Centre d’Agriculture Saint Barnabas CSAB to return more seeds after harvest.
OPODNE’s footprint continues to grow, but needs your continued support. OPODNE/O is now working in sixty communities where each leadership team elects officers, organizes community improvement activities like road repair and environmental cleanup, organizes a microlending program, and fills the gap left by a completely absent government. We need your support for a Haitian led solution to restore democracy and security and fight hunger and discrimination.
Click here to find out more and sign up to participate in our National Day of Action for Haiti on September 20.