Community organizing that began in rural Mumeya, Rwanda, has spread across Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Ghana. Grassroots leaders in Rwanda are now working as organizers in 21 communities, teaching and…
Rwanda – Nyarubuye is building a new school in a rural community while faith leaders gather from across Ghana to explore organizing.
Nyarubuye to plan and begin construction of three new classrooms to serve children in that community. PICO Rwanda leaders gathered to make commitments to use their own resources including available land, stones for building, water for cement, and labor for construction. Work has begun.
Community efforts to build schools in clinics in communities organized by PICO Rwanda dovetail with government’s priorities of extending public education and public health in rural areas. While the COVID pandemic has caused havoc in health and learning, Rwandans are taking the long view and making significant investments in both areas, budgeting money for construction of schools and clinics in rural communities. Recently, the Rwandan government announced an 80% increase for elementary school teacher salaries.
Inspired by organizing in Rwanda, faith leaders in Ghana have decided to make community-based multi-faith organizing a foundation for their national multi-faith alliance, which has worked nationally to protect democracy and promote social welfare in the country. In August, Faith in Action and the FAITH in Ghana Alliance are holding a three-day leadership training retreat for 100 local Muslim, Mainline Protestant, Pentecostal and Charismatic, and Catholic religious leaders. This event is designed to kick-off a listening process within local communities in eight regions in Ghana.