Sir Samuel “Zan” Akologo. You left us too soon, with so much unfinished work. It is painful to turn you into a memory. You were such a force…
Thanks to the generous people who hosted fundraising receptions for Pr. John and PICO Rwanda
We are truly grateful to Lori & Baxter Rice (San Francisco); Bill & Stacia Masterson (San Jose); Fr. Aidan McAleenan & St. Columba Parish (Oakland); Judy & Marty Baumann (Sacramento); Colleen & Bill Anderson (Chicago); Consuelo Cabugos ((San Diego); and Dan & Holly Jackson & Grace Lutheran Church (Madison) for hosting receptions where Pr. John and Fr. Innocent shared the results of PICO Rwanda organizing in the past year. We also thank Rev. George Cummings & Imani Community Church; Pr. Scot Sorinsen & St. John Lutheran Church who invited Pr. John to share their pulpits and the message of faith in action. More than 300 friends gathered and generously contributed over $15,000. These funds will sustain training for PICO Rwanda leaders who are organizing to address health care access, education, environment, employment and economic development needs in five communities across Rwanda.