As sixty COFOA leaders from fifteen villages in rural northern region of Francisco Morazan Department waited patiently in front the National Ministry of Health offices, a team of…
University Student Leaders Meet to Consider Ways to Change Salvadoran Drug Policy
Following their involvement in the Caravan for Peace through Central America and Mexico to the United Nations Special Assembly on Drug Policy, COFOA leaders continue to press the need to challenge the failed “War against Drugs”. Realizing the need for stronger intellectual leadership, COFOA hosted a round table breakfast meeting with student leaders from Pan American University, Jesuit University of Central America (UCA), Salvadoran Lutheran University, and National University of El Salvador to strategize ways that this issue can receive more attention from the universities.
Student leaders discussed existing drug policy and its negative impact on the university community and the country. These include high levels of violence, imprisonment, and lack of opportunity for rehabilitation or employment for those caught in the trap of drug trafficking or use.
Student leaders plan to approach university administration to sponsor a series of forums to examine the scientific and social aspects of drugs, trafficking, use and abuse. Lutheran University is planning a week-long seminar in September dedicated to these topics. PICO will bring experts from Columbia and Uruguay to examine how more progressive drug policies in other countries might change the narrative in El Salvador.
Learn more about the work by PICO to improve life in El Salvador.