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With a vision to develop their ocean beach community as a tourist attraction, COFOA leaders from Puerto Avalos secured a commitment from the mayor of Jiquilisco to secure $270,000 to complete paving the road between the two towns. “It is…

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Two hundred years ago, Haitians birthed the spirit of self-determination and self-reliance with the only successful slave revolt in the hemisphere. The country has been under assault ever since. For four years, leaders of OPODNE have worked to destroy a…

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Two hundred years ago, Haitians birthed the spirit of self-determination and self-reliance with the only successful slave revolt in the hemisphere. The country has been under assault ever since. For four years, leaders of OPODNE have worked to destroy a…

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Two hundred years ago, Haitians birthed the spirit of self-determination and self-reliance with the only successful slave revolt in the hemisphere. The country has been under assault ever since. For four years, leaders of OPODNE have worked to destroy a…

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We reject racism

Please join us in complete rejection of the insulting and racist remarks by President Trump about the countries and people of Haiti, Rwanda (Africa), and El Salvador. PICO Network has organizing projects in each of these countries.  What we witness…

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Overcoming poverty in Rwanda 

“This project has changed my life because ignorance is a disease... Now, we are happy and work together. We are able to build houses....  people who do not live in the cooperative come to buy tiles from us and they…

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