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A Way Forward in Haiti Update

Today’s struggles for democracy, human rights and economic security in Haiti are part a long and arduous movement for self-determination. Over and over the U.S. has chosen to side with Haitian elites over ordinary people, hand-picking government leaders who’ve lacked…

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OPODNE’s COVID Prevention Campaign

In June, with COVID cases surging in Haiti and hospital beds filling up, OPODNE re-launched its grassroot education and prevention campaign. In June OPODNE’s director, Florcie Tyrell and health team were interviewed by eight radio stations in Northeast Haiti. With…

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Florcie Tyrell and the grassroots leaders from OPODNE in Northeast Haiti are sewing masks and distributing washing stations as fast as they can to slow the surge of COVID cases that have filled hospital beds and exhausted oxygen supplies. Yet,…

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A Way Forward in Haiti

As Haitian-American faith communities representing many of the more than one-million Haitians in the U.S. and allies, we urge President Biden to stand unequivocally with the courageous individuals and organizations struggling for democracy, human rights, and sustainable development in Haiti.…

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